

Notice of temporary closing due to participation in "INBOUND 22" (9/2-9/9)

Dear Customers

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued patronage of our company.
We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that our entire company will be temporarily closed during the following period.

2022_closeWe apologize for the inconvenience, but we will respond to inquiries during the holiday period in order after the holiday. Thank you for your understanding.

During the holiday period, all employees (with some exceptions) are scheduled to attend HubSpot's annual INBOUND 22 event in Boston, USA. This event is a large-scale conference where the latest HubSpot updates will be shared and is highly anticipated by HubSpot users, partners, and fans around the world.

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We are HubSpot LOVERS

Aside from their outstanding platform that makes your business grow and the concept of inbound marketing,
We were drawn to HubSpot because of their inbound approach, the way they focus on their customers and their unwavering philosophy.
All of this is what attracted us to HubSpot, and that's why we are working with HubSpot as their partner.
Please contact us for any questions about HubSpot, marketing and Sales strategy, organization building and ets.

Grow with HubSpot and 100 Inc. together

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