Story of 100 Inc.

We use BOSE noise-canceling headphones

BOSEWe use BOSE noise-canceling headphones

Since all employees conduct Zoom meetings on a daily basis, it is necessary to take care that only their own voices are picked up, without picking up surrounding conversations and noises as much as possible. This is why we adopted high-quality noise-canceling headphones.

It is one of our manners to imagine how the other person feels and to care if our voice is heard clearly.

However, there may be some people who are allergic to headphones or find it hard to wear them or to have them tightened around their ears. We would be happy to have you try them on and experience them firsthand during a face-to-face meeting at our office.


We are HubSpot LOVERS

Aside from their outstanding platform that makes your business grow and the concept of inbound marketing,
We were drawn to HubSpot because of their inbound approach, the way they focus on their customers and their unwavering philosophy.
All of this is what attracted us to HubSpot, and that's why we are working with HubSpot as their partner.
Please contact us for any questions about HubSpot, marketing and Sales strategy, organization building and ets.

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