100 Stories

Our work style options

Written by Kanjiro Sato | February, 2, 2022

We operate a system called "Working Style Choice". Twice a year (January and July), we ask our employees to choose one of three ways of working for themselves.


This is a way of working in which you come to work at 100 company offices (Tokyo and Sapporo) at least three days a week. A dedicated desk is provided in the office and no remote allowance is provided.


This is a way of working in which employees come to the 100 companies' offices (Tokyo and Sapporo) 1-2 days a week (on specified days) and work remotely the rest of the time. There will be no fixed desk in the office, but a free desk will be used. A remote allowance will be provided during the period.


This is a way of working that does not involve coming to the office, and the basis of the work is remote work. A remote allowance will be provided during the period.

Our two offices are located in Tokyo (Setagaya-ku, Tokyo) and Hokkaido (Chuo-ku, Sapporo), and will allow each person to choose a "hybrid" way of working for "six months" according to their circumstances and wishes: office work originating from here, remote work mainly from home, or a mix of both.


It is possible to accommodate not only cases of childcare or nursing care, but also personal desires, for example, to workcation in a cottage in a forested resort for six months, or to work near Boston in conjunction with INBOUND.

However, due to the nature of the work, at a minimum, we recommend that new hires work in the "office" until they are accustomed to it, taking into consideration the ease of building relationships with members and consulting and checking with them face-to-face.